MBA essay writing is a challenging experience. It demands different sets of skills. If you have not written an academic essay for some time, then you certainly feel that you are well out of your comfort zone. MBA students that worked in industry for a number of years often loose touch with the MBA essay requirements and why they are important. We take the opportunity to offer some useful tips on this help guide. MBA essay writing needs to become a creative experience in which information and analysis comes together. MBA Winner is dedicated to supporting its clients for making this important step with themselves and for developing themselves.
Lots of Ideas and Theories
When writing a business report attention is paid onto the information presented. For example, when you had to compile your last report you might remember that there was a tendency to try and discuss the different concepts you are presenting with as much clarity as possible. However, the information and ideas coming into the report remained part of a general stock of knowledge. In all honesty you never had the need to discuss theory in a business report. It was simply not needed. After all people would consider it as irrelevant. Instead, you would discuss information that would be known to your audiences. This can be information already made accessible to the public but which can be generally accepted for what it is. In writing such report the focus is to discuss on what you want to say and how to present it with coherence and clarity.
The logic of discussing and presenting ideas in academia is very different. It is not enough to discuss ideas with clarity and despite being generally accepted premises/facts. It is important to demonstrate connections with writers in the field. This tendency is tiring for someone who has not done it in the past. You might be wondering our of exacerbation “how many citations do I have to use?!!”. In order to do well in producing your academic assignment you need to first understand why you have to structure it in that particular fashion. Then, you need to pay attention to your style of writing and for presenting information. Both of these elements are foreign from a traditional business report and yet can make all the difference when you produce your academic assignment. It is reasonable to ask why is all this ‘baggage’ expected from you and when all that you want is to study business! The short answer is that the MBA is an academic degree, situated within the academic disciplines. The aim is to identify the process for finding solutions rather than then solutions themselves.
Framing yourself into your studies
MBA Winner’s writing support service has helped numerous clients to organize their thoughts and understand the expectations they have to meet. This made a huge difference to their experience and can be found in our testimonials. We consider that the notion of ‘framing’ might be the MOST important one that you need to consider when you, either, seek to embark on the MBA or if you are already in it. Framing the MBA against yourself means that you spend time to consider the nuances of the programme and how it applies to you personally. Every student is different and even though you might attend lectures with other people every individual is unique. Hence, you need to understand what is your preferred learning style and whether you have discovered it and how to develop it. Please reader do not take the notion of ‘framing’ lightly as you are reading this! We have seen our clients achieve important results because they spent considerable time to prepare and understand how the MBA relates to them. Their behaviour has changed as a result of making changes to their perception of their degree. Unfortunately personal coaching is not a service you often find within the MBA. However, if it is available take advantage of it. If you are struggling or have any difficulties then contact us and we will develop a specific programme in order to help you situate yourself in your studies so that you can achieve the best results possible. We are not just taking about helping you get-the-grades but about your own personal experience of learning and self-development.