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Why your MBA profile matters for your future employment

Happy New Year to you! Welcome to our latest gorgeous looking newsletter!

2012 is going to be a challenging year for both employees and employers. We are certainly moving into an economic corporate environment where competition matters more than ever.

Facing a glooming economic climate with rising levels of unemployment and a stronger competition between candidates, we decided to dedicate this newsletter for highlighting an important connection. A connection between your MBA studies, accomplishments and your future job opportunities. A connection between achievement and presentation, networking and realizing opportunities, thinking
ahead and investing your time appropriately.

A lot of MBA students think that getting the MBA title on their CVs is good enough to land them a job. The truth is far from it! Such students ignore the experience of learning itself. They fail to connect the dots for what lies ahead.

MBA Winner has been at the forefront of helping MBA students accomplish their assignments and overcome challenges. Our consultants have painstakingly spent hours and hours with understanding how different business schools design their courses and grade assignments.

It is clear to us that the barriers have been raised again. Tutors are having greater expectations and students are needed to work faster and smarter. However, we also realize that MBA students need to seriously invest on their image and crafting a profile that is truly competitive.

The days are gone where the employers were just looking for the MBA title. They are now looking for evidence of achievements, competence, and drive for learning and growth. Some of this is hard evidence based and some of it is about presentation and image!

1. The importance of your MBA profile and image

There are two important challenges you need to face when conducting your MBA Studies. The first is meeting your academic requirements and developing your learning capacity. The second is catching up with the world and where you are going to ‘fit in’ when you finish.

As a professional service provider we believe that learning, and the capacity to learn is grossly undermined by MBA students. Even though MBA Winner is helping students complete their assignments the MBA does not start and end there. Your capacity to learn moves beyond the hand-in-date!

We cannot overemphasize the fact that we offer the best value for MBA students when they genuinely reflect over the quality of the work that we produce and that they are keen to learn how we have done it. Transferrable skills can be more easily accomplished when MBA students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses.

You are responsible for constructing your own profile

We believe we carry out an important service with writing assignments and offering tutorials which are well tailored to your personal work schedule. However, there is a missing opportunity when MBA students do not realize that engagement is a necessary precondition to their learning and personal development.

For this reason we want to encourage you to engage with us. Our aim is to enhance your sense of confidence in managing a whole set of assignments that are ready to frustrate and burn you down.
However, we also fear that there is a danger with our students not reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses and hence missing out from developing their own capacity to learn for what we produce for them.

The second challenge is about following the market and keeping up with what is happening in your sector or/and industry whilst studying for your MBA. It is going to be too late to think where you are going to fit in the job market if you just concentrate on your studies.

We are doing some of the hard work for you and you need to take advantage of your extra free time and invest on surveying the market. Job opportunities are not longer part of a single labour market. Understanding trends and changes across and between sectors is very important. Trying to look what comes ahead is a great challenge. You need to reflect on where to position yourself and before you finish
your studies. Notice the following recent observation by Burn-Callander in Management Today (18 January 2012)

There are now 2.68 million unemployed people in the UK, up 118,000 on the quarter, the Office for National Statistics announced this morning. This is the highest figure since 1996. And it could get even worse. Britain is only just beginning to really feel the bite of  austerity cuts and, as more redundancies in the public sector are announced (only this morning, the Ministry of Defence revealed plans to lay off 4,200 people), it’s only going to get tougher in the labour market.

A ‘tough’ labour market in essence means greater competition between people looking for work.

Such competition puts you in an advantageous position as less people are likely to join an MBA course if they are not in employment. However, it puts you in a more disadvantageous situation when you need to compete with people who have had some better work experience and try to use it as a competitive  advantage over you!

2. SWOT!

With this newsletter our aim is to raise awareness for a number of issues that we think are going to be incredibly critical for the next 3 months.

MBA Winner is committed to offering a service that offers true value. By helping students get through their assignments MBA Winner has been at the forefront of assisting students get better grades and develop greater confidence.

However, we believe that our value is embedded in our close working relationship with our students and in making a positive impact by sharing our expertise and knowledge.

It would be a mistake to assume that SWOT is an acronym designed only for businesses. In fact it is an easy to use tool to reflect and consider the main challenges you face as an individual.

What are your strengths?

Unless you know your strengths you will have difficulty identifying your competitive advantage over other candidates in the work place.

Use your MBA assignments as an opportunity to identify your strengths. Remember that ‘hard’ skills refer to factual and technical knowledge whereas ‘soft’ skills relate to social and interpersonal.

You might be good at reasoning but really lack the motivation to be a good team

What are your weaknesses?

If you do not know your weaknesses how can you improve them? Our advice is to think of specific instances where you encountered challenges during your MBA.
Reflect back on these challenges.

Be honest and truthful with recording your weaknesses. Some weaknesses require more work than others and being transparent with the gaps you need to fill is winning half the battle!

What are your opportunities?

Opportunities are subtle, easy to miss, they hide behind the door. They are about making and translating connections between ideas, people and events. Opportunities are created and not just realised. Remember that obstacles can hinder but also can foster opportunities! The wise pre-Socratic philosopher Hippocrates said “Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of

What are your threats?

Your threats you now face concern completing your MBA assignments. However the equally important threats are the people that you are going to be competing with for getting that job you always wanted.

Let MBA Winner help with the assignments and you make sure you prepare to face the next battle!

3. Some Practical Advice

Create time for constructing your MBA profile

Creating an MBA profile is about establishing your accomplishments and reflecting on your capacity to learn and develop. Remember that your MBA profile matters for your future job opportunities.

Strengthen your confidence and self-esteem

MBA Winner is committed to supporting you in meeting your assignment hurdles. However you have to remain active and not passive. Use the assistance you get from MBA Winner as an opportunity for creating your time and space for development.

Understand where you fit in the market

There are things that you can offer to an employer that none else can. Your position in the market is highly dependent on understanding its current and future trends!

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