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Structuration theory and its importance for the study of organization.

MBA exams or assignments can be stressful when you are not sure how to tackle the topic. We take the 

How to use essay service websites correctly

There is a moment when you look at the assignment brief and then it just hits you! You start getting 

The lost dream of self-improvement

The expectations are high and everyone is telling you that you need to try harder! However, you are too tired 

Why we should bulldoze the business school

There are 13,000 business schools on Earth. That’s 13,000 too many. And I should know – I’ve taught in them 

Why the MBA is still a gamechanging qualification

Is the MBA really all it’s cracked up to be? With enrolments surging, the answer seems to be yes What 

My MBA experience: ‘It was an eye opener’

Samir Abid learned how to ‘pitch Dragons’ Den-style’ as part of his MBA, and used it to secure funding for 

Master management without an MBA

Students are furthering their job prospects with management training that costs half the price of a prestigious master’s in business 

Is studying an MBA a good investment?

Fees are high, and the work is demanding – but it’s a course employers really value It’s hard work, expensive 

MBA Theories

What, Why, How MBA theories constitute an important component of the MBA degree. Getting into the MBA program means that 

MBA Study Programmes

MBA study programmes are gaining popularity in the UK and among many UK universities. Most universities operate under traditional teaching