The expectations are high and everyone is telling you that you need to try harder! However, you are too tired to believe in it anymore.
All you want is to just flow along…. We want to take the opportunity to bring to your attention the importance of how stories about your self all come together over time to form an actual narrative which you happen to believe and accept as the ‘right one’. Our aim with this help guide is to make you aware of how the creation of this implicit narrative in your mind is important and is going to be responsible for a lot of decisions that you are actually making in your life. Taking the time to reflect and identify ‘how’ and ‘why’ you develop a specific story about yourself is going to be very important whilst you study for your MBA. Hence, we want to give you specific advice in order to help you get through this often frustrating journey.
Stories, Stories, Stories……….
We are made of stories. Our life is a story, often a happy one or not so happy one! Since a young age your parents have been bombarding you with how to grow up, what to do and all the instructions have been guided to give you advice in order to become better at everything! However, all these stories somehow started to collide between them as if they were in some found in some unfortunate traffic jam. As if the stories are vehicles you experience there are ‘accidents’ happening and these can be very traumatic sometimes.
As you are studying for the MBA maybe the most important story that you believe in now is ‘what’ you are going to become once you get the MBA title and how this is going to help you develop your career. However, you are still in the middle of the story and even though you want to see the end from the ‘middle’ you actually have to reach the ‘end’ and this is getting more and more challenging for you.
Feeling stressful about your studies is part of the story or stories that you have created about yourself. You are the main actor in the story and you cannot let your audiences down. You feel that you need to try your hardest but this is making things even more difficult for you.
Did you know that the study of ‘narratives’ has now become a key area of study in the literature? Studies about narratives become the focus of much discussion and research between scholars. Researchers suggest that the life of the organization is part of a greater narrative that is created by the organizational members. Some people have similar and other opposing narratives that are found in competition with each other.
Looking at our situation from a narrative perspective is useful and constructive. It helps us to identify the sequence of events that took place in our lives. We cannot make sense of ‘everything’ that took place. However, we become self-aware of the different events that contributed to where we are now and this can be very useful.
Every postgraduate or undergraduate student wants to do well in their studies. However, from our consultation with students we identify that an important dimension that can really assist with one’s self development is the construction of a self-narrative that remains meaningful for the individual and which can assist her/him in facing life’s challenges. Self-development can be viewed as a series of activities where you either ‘succeed’ or ‘failed’ to achieve a target. However, we strongly believe that this is a false interpretation of development and is only driven by a culture in which ‘performance goals’ are thought to be the answer to everything when they are not! Hence, it is a much more meaningful exercise to identify with our own self-development as an ‘experience’ in which our narrative gets revisited and when we make the effort to identify the expectations that we have.
Reflecting on our experiences will not necessarily make us produce the right decisions. However, reflecting on our experiences will help us to become more conscious about what we think and what really influences our thinking over time. Where is this taking us? It is taking us to a revised version of the narrative where your challenges and obstacles are more clearly evident in your narrative. By moving away from your experience as an activity between successes and failures you become more aware about the real challenges that you are facing and why these are important for you. Sometimes what really matters is not to achieve your goal but to realise how you have thought about yourself all along.
The experience of learning and education, unfortunately has been greatly standardised. Degrees have been commodified. The degree titles offered by universities have become like the committees that you buy from the supermarket. Even though it is true that all you need sometimes it is a commodity at the same time we as MBA Winner do not want to sell you just another commodity. Instead, we realise that the real added-value happens when we work with you on a personal level and when you engage with us in a more personal way from just sending us your assignment briefs.
In MBA Winner we are indeed more than able to produce customised assignments from scratch because we know that life’s circumstances can often be extremely challenging and unpredictable. Unfortunately, we have to play the game of meeting the performance targets. However, as an MBA service provider we are more than convinced that this is not all that we stand for.
Instead, our service becomes truly effective when we are able to influence the way you think about your own studies and your own self. This is the reason that we spend time offering our clients with advice and help about their own challenges. After all life is not completed when you are getting your MBA! What is this all rambling about then?
If you are struggling with your work then get in touch with us and be ready to engage with our services in a personalised way.
We will help you with your assignments but our aim is to help you develop in a personal way. We might offer you coaching and set milestones with you. Our aim is to make a difference in the way you think about the sense of your self-development and your MBA is one important part of this experience. MBA Winner is proud to offer constructive help and support when the students need professional help. By working closely with us you can be assured that your MBA grades will be improved because you will be working in a new mindset. We will help you create this mindset.